After seven years of serving in the mommyhood ranks, there have been many things that have happened which made me laugh, shake my head, and then eventually wonder; who am I? I knew things would change when the kids came; I just wasn’t ready to actually lose my mind, or my mojo. So here are the top ten signs you are a sleep deprived mom. (I’m sure there are 30 more, but this is all I could think of on three hours sleep.)
10 signs you are a sleep deprived mom
- After you drop your child off at school and get back in the car, you realize your shirt is inside out.
- You can’t remember the last time you washed your hair. A messy mom bun or pony tail are your go to “getting ready” hair do’s, and you just bought stock in dry shampoo.
- You walk into rooms at least three times a day, and forget why you’re there.
- You pull your hamstring not running or during cross-fit, but when you lift the double stroller out of your minivan.
- Yes, you drive a minivan and yes, it means you’re a mom. It totally kicks ass though.
- As for going out, the thought of eating dinner after 6:00pm is horrifying. What do you mean a 9:00pm dinner reservation? Um…that’s bed time.
- You now take pictures of your kids doing everything and then post on Facebook multiple times a day.
- You don’t drink that much anymore because the kids wake you up too early. And who wants to deal with kids when you’re hung over? (Yes, we’re totally lame and need to rebuild our tolerance.)
- Speaking of cocktails, your perfect Friday night? The three P’s baby! Pirate’s Booty, Pinot Grigio, and comfy Pajamas. Oh and reruns of Say Yes to the Dress on TLC. Who needs SoBe club life when you have a flat screen, Netflix, and wine?
- You gave out pretzels on Halloween. Enough said.
*And one bonus sign: you can’t live without coffee.*
No one said it was easy, or pretty, but this is at least my mommy reality. I am officially getting old and exhausted beyond belief. They may have sucked away my energy and boobs, but at least I still have my sense of humor!
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Also, check out the 10 signs you may be living with a threenager….

Top Ten Signs You Are Living with a Threenager
Eric has injured his back sneezing. That must make him ancient 😉
Are you sure it wasn’t the snow? Hope you guys are ok!
This is amazing! I relate to all of these and I mean, ALL of these! I too have worn shirts inside out and backwards. The worst part, I didn’t notice until the end of the day, LOL! Bravo Kristen!
Glad we are both aging….I mean sleep deprived together! lol
#6… I am with you
We… as in the whole family… went to eat dinner at a “no children yet” friends house last night…
7:30 pm… 7:30pm is when they served dinner!!
Hungry… cranky mama does not handle hungry children well under those conditions!!!
Those “no children yet” people will learn… some glorious day… they will learn… and apologize ;-)!!!
Amen! No one gets it until they’re a parent!
All of the above! At least we have company in the sleep deprived bunch. 🙂
That’s the truth….more coffee please?
I am *so* with you!! I, too, rock the mini van and find myself wondering why I’ve entered a room at least 3 times a day. I once got an abdominal muscle cramp from performing crunches…. okay it was one crunch…well… It wasn’t a crunch in an official capacity. I was trying to get up off the floor, but it was a crunch-like maneuver. It sounds better if I leave off the “trying to get up off the floor” part, though. –Lisa
LMAO! I think I punctured a lung running for 30 consecutive seconds the other day… #boom!
LOL! I think I would consider it as signs of sleep deprivation instead of aging… 😀 I can totally relate to #3 and #7.. I’m starting to think of using post-its to remember everything I need to do…LOl! great post 😀
I tried post its – my kids took them down and scribbled all over them. Good luck!
I see your lame Halloween pretzels and raise you with an “I told the kids we weren’t trick or treating–we were making s’mores t home instead–because every year they get cold, eat too much sugar and end up sock November thru January.”
And I did not even feel guilty–in pj’s by 6pm!
I bow down to you Jenny – you are AMAZING!
Love your list!
I love Netflix nights! I don’t like wine, but I love Diet Coke, so I’m usually sipping on that.
ha! diet coke is perfectly acceptable!
Yes, yes and yes! I am old, sleep deprived and mentally drained. I wore my shirt inside out a few months ago. No one told me and I didn’t notice until the end of the day when I went to take it off. Oh and the spit up down my back that can stay there for most of the day is also a nice “mom touch”.
I used to take Scarlet to preschool in my pajama top. I’d have a coat over it, but, it was my pajamas!
And I get a hangover these days even from not drinking. Even just staying up too late can do it!
Oh my friend you always know how to nail it! Thank you for making me laugh out loud.
I have so worn a PJ top an entire day…it was a nice one though…seriously. I mean it started as a quick after school drop off errand and then well I was already out so… yeah I’m old and I definitely need some sleep…just maybe not in those PJs anymore 😀
glad I’m not alone! lol
For me it’s definitely the walking into a room and forgetting why I’m there.All. The. Time. Or looking for my glasses which are on top of my head. I’m with you! Visiting from the SITSsharefest. Nice to meet you!
Hahaha. This is slowly becoming my life. I have a pair of yoga/running pants that I have (successfully) passed off as work pants. I am drinking 9am Saturday morning wine because everyone in my house is asleep *and* I feel the need to celebrate my first week back at work off of maternity leave. This wine was intended for last night as an end-of-the-week treat, but I passed out on the couch before 9am last night. Cheers!!
Lol! Yes, unfortunately, I can relate to all of these as well. I am constantly cursing at myself for wandering into a room and forgetting what it was I came in there for. I have most definitely passed off my pajama shirt for a day time shirt (and none were the wiser). I definitely have more aches and pains than I used to, for no apparent reason what so ever. And my favorite (and most exciting) night of the week is when hubby and I can relax on the couch, drink wine and watch Netflix. Pure bliss! Man, parenthood changes a person. Thanks for the giggle this morning!
Oh the Sobe night life! I went to Um for a year and a half. A year and a half because on winter break I discovered the clubs in South Beach and didn’t realize I missed the start of the new semester. That was ages ago lol 🙂
I do the inside out shirt thing about three times a month.
HAHAHA love your humor on the subject! Myself? I’m an adoptive mom so I didn’t have to deal with the challenges of early wake up/feeding times (though my heart still yearns for it). Instead, my adjustment was letting go of the things I HAD built in place of being childless (my own business….a perfectly decorated and clean home…). Sounds strange to say it now, but after nearly 4 years -frankly, I just don’t give a hoot (if my house is “perfect” or spotlessly clean). I have a new ‘perfect’ to nurture now…raising a wonderfully confident, sweet, thoughtful, loving, strong young lady! 🙂
You sound like my kind of mom! Thanks for reading!
You are amazing!I couldn’t agree more!
Caffeine in general. It’s my friend (and my enemy). I keep trying to give it up but darn it, with two of them, I’m not having much long-term luck.
me either!!
Spot on! Overindulging on margaritas is definitely not worth it when there’s a chance a little minion could be at your bedside by 4 am.
Can you imagine? Hangovers with kids are the WORST!!!
HAHA, AMEN! Definitely signs that you are sleep deprived. I run on coffee or else I’d be a complete Mombie!
Oh I like that term….”mombie”! Good one!
Ha! Yes. I have friends who are like “Want to catch a 9:00 movie?” And I’m like… Um, no.
Ha! Yes. My friend recently asked me to see a 9:00 movie. I was like um, no.
Really? They show movies that late???
Hi Kristen!
I regularly walk into rooms and forget why I went in there, and I am not even a sleep deprived mom haha 🙂 When my wife had her first daughter, she would fall asleep standing up. Sometimes she couldn’t go to sleep during the night because she knew her daughter would start crying after just half an hour or even sooner.