tips for choosing the right elementary school for your family
1. First identify what is most important for you.
For us it’s elementary school security, a family-community school that really cares for the kids, then academics. Sure we want our kids to be Doogie Howser smart and excel, but bottom line we want peace of mind leaving them in the hands of a school system 6-7 hours a day. And uniforms would be nice, then we wouldn’t have to argue about tutu dresses and sparkly shoes every morning!
2. Get to know your options.
Find out what elementary school you are zoned for, and call early to inquire about their tour dates. You can only tell so much by driving by a school. Also ask friends, co-workers, and other parents about their experiences.
3. Apply for Charter lotteries & zone reassignments early.
Not sure if you want to stick with the elementary school in your zone? There are tons of great Charter options popping up all over the country. These publicly funded schools are run privately, and offer unique and interesting curriculums. But you must enter their lotteries usually in January, the year before your child enters Kindergarten. You can also apply for a reassignment for a public school in your area that you may not be zoned for. It’s best to check with your County’s school board, or call the school directly for more information.
4. Take a tour!
It’s so important to go inside the walls of the elementary school, meet the principal, see a classroom in action, and watch how the teachers interact with the students. They usually have group open houses, but don’t be afraid to call and ask for a private tour or meeting with the school’s principal. I’ve learned so much in the past few weeks just by observing a regular day at school.
5. Make a list of questions.
Always have a list of your questions handy. We usually ask about security, gifted programs and accelerated learning, discipline policies, student to teacher ratio (higher in Private Schools), and other special class frequency like art or computers.
6. Go with your gut!
I received some great advice recently from a friend who said, “You just want to give them the best…but sometimes it’s just the best of what’s offered.” This is so true. We have asked, and talked to, and texted parents, educators and friends on all sorts of school options, but bottom line is you have to choose what feels the most authentic to you and your family.

photo credit: Al_HikesAZ via photopin cc
As you may be able to tell, we are in the process of making what we feel is the most important decision thus far for our first baby…choosing her education path. I’ve pondered virtual home school. I’ve tried to make our budget work for Private School. And I’ve called every Charter School several times begging “did your wait list move yet?” But for us it’s choice between a neighborhood public school, or a brand new Charter School. We want her to be safe, nurtured, cared for, challenged and most importantly happy wherever she spends her days.
As one very wise Principal pointed out today:
Good luck choosing an elementary school! Want more info on Kindergarten? Check out what I learned our first year of school!
Also learn how to cope with mean girls in Kindergarten here. (Yes it starts early!)
Great tips! It IS hard! Because where you send the first…you’ll more than likely send the second, so it needs to be the right fit for all! I had to giggle about the fights over tutus and sparkly shoes! As a kid, I hated uniforms. As a parent, all for it!
Great advice from you Sarah! Thanks for your continued support!
Great tips. This is a big moment. I had a hard time with my son but then did research and realized our assigned public schools is one of the best in the county. I am very happy. I was considering private school but am so glad I chose public, at least for elementary!
Thanks Ida! We are in a good zone for public too, but middle school isn’t so good. So we went with a Charter K-8. Now we can save for High School!
Isn’t it crazy….we do this for them when they start preschool, then again in kindergarten, then again for middle school, high school, and finally college. I’ve also contemplated home schooling a couple times, but ended up moving to a really good public school district with all-day kindergarten. I was terrified at first but my daughter loved it! Sometimes the things you don’t feel 100% about end up being the best decisions ever in the long run!
I also wanted to let you know (I promise this is not a shameless self-plug) I’ve nominated you for The Liebster Award 🙂 I love reading your posts and am so thankful for your support. You can check out my blog for the details ~ or just keep doing what you do and I will continue reading 🙂
Best of luck with the school selection and have an awesome weekend!
HI Jennifer! Thank you so much as well for your support, and for nominating me. I will head over tonight and check it out. I enjoy your site as well, and admire your writing and ability to draw readers in. And yes, it IS crazy what we do for them…hope they appreciate it someday…
Deciding on a school is a VERY hard decision. We’re in the midst of it with our second, so you’d think it would be easier, but no. He is so different from his brother that it’s really hard to know if doing the same thing that the oldest did is right for him. But you’re right, you do the best you can with what you have. BTW you guys are lucky to have the options you do with charter schools and opting out of your zone, etc. Our choices are the local school, home school, or paying for a private school. Hopefully some day soon we’ll have more options.
That’s interesting Lauren, I am wondering now if this school would be right for our second as well, as she is so completely different. We’ll see!
I wore a uniform for three years and didn’t mind it, then I switched to public school and that was fun, too. Though maybe since I was older by then it was easier on my mom 🙂 Good luck with your decision!
This is good advice, after thinking about it for a long time we’ve decided that we’re going to homeschool our oldest next year (she’s going into kindergarten too.)
Good for you! I really really wanted to homeschool…but I’m not sure I have the patience. I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!
I’m so overwhelmed that it’s almost time to start really thinking about this. This post helps! Thanks,
My first choice is a Montessori school from pre-school up to at least sixth grade. The children learn to broaden their minds to such a wonderful degree.
I love Montessori too Neva…just not the price!
Wonderful advice and great tips! Our eldest boy is still under two so we still have few years to decide. Although we still discuss it from time to time as we know these years will go by quickly.
It IS a hard choice. We live in a neighborhood zoned to a great elementary school. It should be a no-brainer to send our children there. And we will, just for budget purposes- and we live in the Houston suburbs.. so all of the charter schools are out (they’re 30 minutes away in the city). But it’s so scary to send your children- even to the best public schools- where they will be exposed to different types of challenges. Affluent classmates, fierce competition (I mean… your preK t-ball team is NOT being scouted for the major leagues yet, people), and frankly just snotty kids… something I wish I could also shelter my kids from far past Kinder! My oldest begins Kinder next year like yours- I’ll keep you updated how it goes!
Can’t wait to hear! We can cry our eyes out together…sigh.
Seems like quite a “task” to get your child enrolled in school, but luckily you know enough and are smart enough to put it all in perspective AND help other parents with great tips on what to consider! It is a big deal and it should be taken seriously!!!
It’s is a task, and I never knew it would be this challenging. Good luck to you when you get here…but preschool first!
These are all good things to think about. I’m just starting to think about picking a preschool and I am already feeling a little overwhelmed!
I had a hard time with preschool too Alisha! Go with your gut and pick the place that you feel the most peace with when you visit. Good luck!
I wish we had tried harder to get our kids into a Charter school. I think they definitely are offering much better options than public schools. It’s a bit late now that my youngest is a sophomore in High School, but I’m hoping we can do a better job of influencing the choices for our grandkids. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.
All great advice. We did all the searching and inquiring before we purchased our house. See my latest post and you will see what happened to us with that choice!!!! Needless to say that it doesn’t matter where your child ends up as long as you are ALWAYS there to ADVOCATE for your child. Ready to step in when you think it is needed and do something when needed. You will come across AMAZING teachers, OK teachers, and not so great teachers. I have a 16 and 11 y/o, the schools were amazing when the 16 y/o went to them, and have gone down hill from there. I hold hope with the High School, there they are amazing!!!! They teach to inspire, they keep the kids coming back and wanting more and more. My teen is at school 5 to 6 days a week from 7 am to 6 pm and sometimes later. She doesn’t mind it either…. Good luck…
This is such a nightmare. We’re currently debating whether or not to purchase a house (which will be much more expensive and have higher property taxes) to get into the proper school district or bite the bullet and pay for private school. I know that for us, homeschooling is just not an option… I lack the talent and the patience. 🙂
What a interesting post, I don’t have children so I can’t really relate but it was very interesting to read. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!
This is a great post and super helpful. We have limited choices, but we’re lucky to live in a “good” district and have a school in our community, which means my kids will be at school with their neighbors! I love that. Some of the schools in our disctrict have uniforms, and I wish ours did, too, but it doesn’t.
I wish we had more charter school options…but here’s hoping our local public school is everything we need! Pinned this!
Those days are long gone for me, but I am hoping my son will take the issue this seriously as they place his step-son into Kindergarten next year. It’s a big decision! Thank you for sharing this link on the Pintastic Pinterest Party!
We finally choose homeschooling after kids finished their kindie. I agree a lot with you. Kindergarten is the real school for anyone that goes to school out of home. That is the happiest place kids stay on ages at school mostly. Thank you very much for sharing.
Its an amazing share..
Well after reading this I can say that choosing the right school for any child is a tough decision. But choosing the right school for a child with special needs or learning difficulties is absolutely critical.
These are really the best tips for all the parents ..
I must have to say the be a fantastic source of support for you and your child. Proving the best education to your child is very significant.
Help your child reach their full potential. Thank you so much for sharing these great ideas..
Keep going good work..
God Bless U!!
Lovely Post..Choosing an appropriate elementary school is extremely important for your child’s future. This blog has proven effective in terms of taking the right decision with respect to shortlisting the right elementary school. Thanks for the advice Sarah..
Keep posting and sharing.. 🙂
Keith K. Moffitt
Great advice! Tours at schools are so important. Many schools have open houses when you can do this, but if not you can always schedule a private one. Thanks for sharing this advice!!