Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of two of these books to review and this post may contain affiliate links. But I wouldn’t write about them if I didn’t love them! If you purchase anything I may get a small commission, but I still can’t afford the Louis Vuitton bag I want desperately…
With our first child I didn’t read a thing before she was born, except What to Expect When You Are Expecting. Then when she came, and we never slept and had no clue what we were doing…I read everything. Dr. Spock, The Baby Whisperer, breastfeeding books…whatever gave me even a shred of hope for normalcy…I was buying it! Now one of my favorite gifts to give to expectant parents are books, because I never knew how important it was to figure out what type of parent you want to be. (It is, I promise.)
We think about strollers, obsess over crib bumpers we never use, buy 8,500 baby washcloths…but rarely do we think about how we want to put our kids to sleep. Or what to do if they refuse to use the potty. Or what to do at 3:00 am when they are coughing like a seal and can’t breathe. (Oh croup…thanks google.)
So if you are expecting a baby, struggling with behavior issues, or need a great baby shower gift, here are my top 5 picks for best parenting books for babies and beyond!
1. The Baby Whisperer
Gotta start with my favorite…love The Baby Whisperer. From shhh pats to EAS (eat -activity -sleep), no one knows how to teach you to calm your baby better than The Baby Whisperer. Her mantra, “start as you mean to go” is so incredibly simple and powerful. This book saved me after months of rocking, and brought back my sanity.
2. The Dream Sleeper
I had a hard time after our first was born. I needed a blood patch from a botched epidural, she was in the NICU, and I had total insomnia for months. They called it postpartum anxiety disorder, I called it my crazy stage and just needed to sleep for a month! Dream Team Baby and their book The Dream Sleeper was a godsend. This book outlines their sleep training methods and can help any parent get their babies on a schedule, and sleeping through the night. Yes, I sleep trained (modified cry it out) and no I’m not a bad person, or parent. I believe we gave our girls the greatest gift, teaching them to be independent sleepers. It’s not for everyone, but if your child, toddler or baby isn’t sleeping well, I highly recommend this book!
3. The Portable Pediatrician
The Portable Pediatrician is awesome for all of your health questions. If you are a worry wart, a hypochondriac, or are ever unsure of anything, this is the encyclopedia for you! I still refer to it when our girls are ill, sometimes even before I check my phone. It’s practical and a book I think every family needs to have in their homes. Because let’s face it, we’re going to be wiping snotty noses and cleaning up puke for a looooooong time.
4. Easy To Love, Difficult to Discipline
I call Becky Bailey, the psychologist that wrote this, the Eckhart Tolle of parenting. Having issues? Not sure how to work out a tough behavior? This is the book for you. She gives you great philosophies and tactics to inspire and empower your children. The title got me too – Easy To Love, Difficult to Discipline. Isn’t that the truth?!
5. Stress Free Kids
I received a copy of Stress Free Kids to review a while ago and it took me a few months to pick up – but once I did I couldn’t put it down! This book is a must read for every parent, especially working mothers. It’s easy to read, has great anecdotes, and digestible chapters (with pretty colored ink) that focuses not only on our kids, but how our actions towards them really effect their behaviors. I read this every day for a week while I did the treadmill or elliptical, and still refer to it. This is another one that will make you want to be a better person and parent. The less stressed version of course!
BONUS BOOK! The Big Book of Parenting Tweets
So I lied, I have a bonus book that’s really funny and just came out around the holidays called The Big Book of Parenting Tweets! This was written by the bloggers behind a Science of Parenthood and it’s really funny! (And I’m not just saying that because I am obsessed with Twitter.) There are some seriously snarky parents out there in the Twitterverse and this will keep you entertained! Here’s a good one from the book:
How to calm a crying baby: 1) Pick it up. 2) Ok, so when it turns like, 5, you can put it back down. Good luck. — Lurk at Home Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom)
I think this would be an awesome Valentine’s gift for any parent, so keep that in mind! Here’s where you can buy it & follow Science of Parenthood on Twitter! Or you can follow me…which would be awesome-sauce! And if you want to find even more great parenting books, check out Play 2 Learn With Sarah’s Top 5 Picks!
“Yes, I sleep trained (modified cry it out) and no I’m not a bad person, or parent.” A-MEN! Do what works for your family and quit judging everyone else! I definitely need to read a couple of these, especially number 4 😛
They are awesome! I seriously just bought Bob the Big Book of Parenting Tweets!
Oh man let me tell you how many evil glares I got when I sleep trained my baby, I dont regret it for a second! My son sleep’s through the night and it’s sooo beautiful! What a wonderful skill we’ve given them!
Right? Will you be my new BFF?! lol!
The Big Book of Parenting Tweets is one of my faves. Always makes me laugh and we all need the reminder to shake off the crazy of life with kids and embrace the humorous side of the insanity that ensues.
I love, LOVE the Big Book of Parenting Tweets! So funny! I also think I need EASY TO LOVE, DIFFICULT TO DISCIPLINE. We are at a standstill with our three year old and I don’t know what else to do. Other than try to call Supernanny that is.
Try changing your reactions and giving her more choices. Also our behavior chart has turned Emy right around.
Thanks for the list! I’m gonna have to check out number #4 for my tot! lol!
Numero 5…Stress Free Kids has my name written all over it!! I need some of that in my life!!
I enjoyed the baby whisperer.. I need to check out stress free kids, sounds like a good one!
haha Is it bad that I haven’t read any of these?! I skimmed through What to Expect and I did A LOT of online research, but I never actually read any of these baby books. I may have to check them out for next time. We did our own modified version of sleep training too. My son went from being the worst sleeper EVER, to an amazing sleeper (I know I totally just jinxed him typing that haha). I would do it again in a heartbeat.
These aren’t just baby books though, these are things that will help you through the teen years, especially Stress Free Kids, and Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline.
I so wish I would have read more parenting books especially about sleep before my kids arrived. Thanks for all the ideas!
It is so important in my opinion!
Thanks for this list. I’m about to have my 3rd baby and actually haven’t read any of these. I got overwhelmed with my first by reading too many different things, but being selective and allowing things to sink in helps. I will be reading some of these!
Great picks! I love the face of the little girl on the last book; you just know she’s a handful. All of these are wonderful and offer great advice for new parents. Thanks for sharing.
I am really lame at reading parenting books. I have some and they have sat for years collecting dust. I met with Dr Leman last week the NY times best selling parenting author and he gave me a book that I am determined to read all the way through! I also just downloaded the Big Book of Parenting Tweets! It is hilarious!
Isn’t it awesome? I love parenting books! I’m a nerd though…lol!
I had to sleep train, man – I had a job to head back to! I couldn’t get up with her every night and still be a functioning person at work the next day. It sucked. I’m not gonna lie. But my kids love their own beds now – I mean LOVE them.
This is an awesome list of books – I wish I’d seen it back when I was pregnant with my second! Instead I was given this horrible breastfeeding book that made me feel like an utter (pun!) failure when my milk depleted.
If I could write a book about parenting newborns, it would literally just be one page that said “JUST GOTTA KEEP ‘EM ALIVE.”
It’s not too late to read “The Parents’ Phrasebook!” It’s about communication, empathy, humor, and heart. Also, I’m super biased since I wrote it.
Never too late – we can always use advice!
I haven’t read most of these and am still working my way through the big book of parenting tweets! I will be checking the other books out soon.
I missed most of these but I do have the Stress Free Kids one, which makes me happy.
I see many potential baby gift ideas and I love that.
I remember being so stressed when Kyle was 12 weeks and he wouldn’t sleep. In CT, I was able to take 16 weeks of maternity leave and couldn’t image how I could get him into a good schedule before I went back. I skimmed/read through Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, MD. We did what I believe was somewhat of a Ferber method….let him cry it out for a few minutes, rubbed his tummy (but didn’t take him out of the crib) and then left the room. My husband was out of town when we started, so that was really hard because the first two nights were filled with hours of screaming…but it did get better and eventually he became a good sleeper. I’m excited to check out a few of the other parenting books. The parenting tweets book looks awesome…right now humor is what gets me through the day.
i swear by the baby whisperer and one very similar (babywise) my little lady slept thru the night at like 3 months and my son…. oh, at least by 2 and a half YEARS…. EEEEK! good job, lotsa help!
You are so right….nothing is more important than books for a new mother… I was a very young 20 year old mommy alone in a new town when my daughter was born…an older friend can from out of town and brought me Dr. Spock and Dr. Spock saved my life. I know it’s an older book, but he told me week by week what to expect from my baby and it was right on point. He told me how to get her off the bottle and how to potty train…how to get her on a schedule and it was amazing. Later I graduated to Dr. Dobson’s ‘Dare to Discipline’ and now my 3 babies all have babies (9)….such sweet memories. Books are lifesavers… I love to give new mommies Dr.Spock….I swear by him…;) great post!