It spread like wildfire, Britt McHenry an ESPN reporter caught on video saying some extremely unsavory things to a parking employee. The situation was clearly heated on both sides, and Britt was warned she was being recorded, but the television personality continued her tirade.
I was involved in a Twitter debate this morning about her situation and suspension, and quite honestly was frustrated by the hate she was receiving via social media. I mean – isn’t it a conundrum that people are vilifying her and acting unkindly towards Britt because of her unkindness to someone else? What she said was mean, and clearly wasn’t her finest moment, but do her actions warrant the response she’s receiving? So I asked Joy Taylor of FM 104.3 The Ticket and to chat with me via Skype since we had been communicating about the subject via text.
I’ve been meaning for a while to host a podcast and web show, so thanks to Joy for taking the plunge with me today! Playtime in its infancy is born! You might disagree with our opinions, but both being members of the sports media, we had our own viewpoints on this situation and what the future holds for McHenry.
Here is the blog post we discussed: Incidental Justice
And an article regarding Britt McHenry’s controversy with the Redskins last year.
I thought that was a great topic. The point was made and correctly so, we haven’t seen the whole video. So I would like to see the whole video, would you? I bet our opinions would change, maybe? BTW you looked fantastic Mrs Hewitt!
Listen, I think what she said was tacky and showed a lot of her character. My point is aren’t we doing the same by creating this negative frenzy on social? Do two wrongs make a right?
People say things they don’t mean when they are mad. I think this is what happened. It’s unfortunate… and it’s no different than what mean people are saying in response to what happened. But that’s what people do online. They say mean things to people they can’t see and think it’s okay because they can’t see them. It’s sad all around.
I like how the towing company didn’t release what the attendant was saying back… Seems pretty shifty. I looked into this story when it broke and this company has a pretty bad rap of holding cars hostage. I think it would be interesting to look further into that aspect of the story. Great podcast!
Yes, we all get angry and say things we don’t mean – but a disgraceful rant often shows character. As you mentioned, just because Britt McHenry bullied another person, doesn’t mean others should treat her with that same ugly disrespect. It then elevates social media around all this negativity, which isn’t productive or helpful. Also, I’m very impressed with your Playtime segment, both the professionalism of the piece and your approach balancing your reporting skills with personal thoughts.
I’d heard of the incident, but hadn’t payed much attention to it. I agree that she sounded entitled, but isn’t it a shame that so many other people are acting just as bad, if not worse than her? Love that you and Joy pointed out that the video is completely one-sided. There are always multiple sides to every story, right?
Ladies, you gave me something to chew on. I’m one of those who jumped on the band wagon – although I certainly didn’t take my opinion to social media. Yes, we’ve all had moments, and she was not at work. She apologized. But still, some of the things she said. I don’t know. I’m just glad I’m not the HR director at ESPN!