I had big plans to be a “good mom” this summer. There were going to be chore charts, reading goals, daily letter writing practice, and cursive classes. There would be no screen time until the beds were made, and planned activities for each day of the week.
Today was the first day of summer vacation and our scheduled beach day. But here’s what we did instead: Lounged in our pj’s until 11 am, baked the girl’s pick – chocolate chip cookie brownies, started an art project we never finished, then moved to the pool.
It’s so easy to be pressured by things we see on social. Ways to challenge our kids and enrich their summer. But let’s be real – we’re all tired. Tired of chores, tired of schedules and places to be, tired of pressure, and tired of unrealistic expectations.
So instead of a schedule, we’re doing nothing this summer. Literally NOTHING.
No camps. No classes, and no curriculums.
Instead, we’re going to see where each day takes us. I’ve dubbed this the “Summer of Me”, so workouts and clean eating are a priority for me. And also giving our girls the freedom to pick what they want to do.
We may go to a local pool and check out the swimming programs. And we join the local YMCA. But whatever we do – it will be low key.
It will include family time, too much TV, a few trips, lots of sunshine, some new roller skates, water balloons, plenty of boredom, rest, relaxation, and reading. (Because mama likes to read!)
So if you haven’t figured out what you’re doing this summer, you’re not alone. And guess what? It’s OK! Your kids will be fine and so will you.
How cute is this shirt my friend made for me? You can get yours here!
Did you like this post? Then check out what sparked this shift in attitude, Stop Doing All the Things! And don’t forget to come over to Facebook!
This is how we like to do summer. The best part of summer is NOT having to be somewhere specific at a certain time. Every time I have signed up a kid for a summer activity I’ve regretted it. So have they. They complain they don’t have enough time to just do nothing.
You’re in fact not doing nothing, you’re doing something far more valuable, spending time together as a family. You’re right, the kids will be fine, and they’ll learn (from you) that it’s important to have down time and appreciate being together and recharging. Good on you. Hey, they might even look forward to going back to school to curtail the bit of boredom 🙂 We have chosen 1 week-long fun camp for each of our 2 kids. One is a camp doing “dangerous” things, so not normal stuff, but learning how to be safe and doing cool things, and one is a camp for our son with ASD taking trips around the city. Keeping it light and fun.
That does sound like fun!
I think everyone needs to do this at some point during parenting. My mom and my friends moms literally did nothing with us during summer months, which left us to man our own ship of fun. I can’t think of a summer I did not look back on as a kid and say “I wish that never ended”. Parenting today though, has become so weird and judgmental. I applaud this mom for putting this out there.
It has become weird, and I”ve received lots of negativity because of this post. But we all have to do what’s right for our families.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this blog! My husband has been so upset the girls want to do nothing, and I secretly love it! I have a stressful job and am always busy. So letting the kids do nothing if they want is absolutely fine with me. Of course, just like you, if they want to go somewhere, I’m all ears. We too shall see where the days take us. Thank you for sharing!
THank you for reading!
Just my opinion but, if every second of every day is planned out and scheduled for a kid, how will they ever learn to manage their own lives and think for themselves? How will they learn to positively handle free time and boredom as they get older? I went to camp as a kid, and played sports, but I was lucky enough to have a mom who let me be bored and find my own ways to fill that.
Kudos and have a great summer!!
I totally agree! And hope you have a great summer as well!
I have been saying this for YEARS! Its important to have some downtime, in fact I think its critical. Children these days have no time to daydream and get a little bored, I think that is where inspiration happens and creativity starts. I applaud you and hope that this is a wake up call for the parents of the next geniuses. Good job Mom!
Thank you!
yes, yes yes to all this! I am 100% behind you. We do SO MUCH all year…it’s time to break! Like for real!
Sometimes, kids need to decompress from hectic school schedules and just chill.
Best. Mom. Ever…
I think we all do! And not the best, just trying to listen and do what’s best for THEM.
I really love this post! I completely agree that it is easy to look at what other families are doing on social and compare yourself. It feels like a form of peer pressure. I don’t like planning out activities just to show them off on social. Family road trips are great, but I don’t need a big fancy trip deepen my relationship with my kids.So it was because of this sort of pressure that I decided to create Mazu. Mazu is a space where families can connect with other families and celebrate the “let’s do nothing together” times that get glossed over in traditional social media. Just because these times aren’t glamorous doesn’t mean they aren’t worth doing. Once again, great post, thank you for celebrating this. Looking forward to reading more soon.
I’ll have to check out MAZU! Thank you!
Thanks Kristen. Loving your writing!
Thank you for reading and nice to meet you!