The Miami Marlins are only one of three Major League Baseball teams to produce original programming for kids. In Miami, you can watch “Billy’s Bunch” on Fox Sports Florida. The monthly show debuts a new episode on the first Saturday of every month, and here’s an inside look at the show! It includes some behind the scenes clips, bloopers, and some of my favorite moments over the years.Enjoy!
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Subscribing now for your YOU TUBE channel! I had no idea that the Marlin’s crew had children’s programming. This is so cute!
It’s such a fun show to work on…thanks for watching and subsribing!
Oh my gosh! That was HILARIOUS! I love children’s perspective/take on things.
My favourite:
“Have you ever poked someone’s eye out with that hair?” LOL
Love the TPing of a player too – great stuff.
Loved this so much. Thanks for sharing.
I love writing the interview questions! Glad you enjoyed it!